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Here to Guide You

At Waco Baptist Church, we’re blessed with an outstanding group of dedicated believers and spiritual leaders who

lead our services, disciple, direct events, and keep our community on a clear Biblical spiritual path.


Rev. Andy Horton

Lead Pastor

Pastor Horton leads the church in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and teaching Biblical revelation. He also engages in outreach ministries, pastoral care, discipleship, and provides administrative leadership in all areas   of Waco Baptist church life.


Houston Walker

Worship Leader

Houston is responsible for leading the congregation in worship through music, fostering an environment of reverence and engagement, and supporting the overall worship experience.


Austin Johnson "AJ"

Youth Ministry


Teresa Lanier

Children's Ministry

and VBS Director


Laura Horton

 Church Communication/Admin,

WMU & Women's Ministries

AJ is responsible for guiding our youth in their understanding of themselves and their faith based from a biblical worldview. His duties include organizing youth events or retreats to encourage community building, teaching bible studies and other educational programs.

Teresa is responsible for guiding, planning and the development of a program of Bible learning for all age levels in our    Children’s Ministry.

Laura provides communication and administrative support for all church leaders. She is also responsible for developing and leading the church's women ministries and for providing discipleship and leadership development.


Laura Buckner

Prayer Ministry

Laura is responsible for leading a prayer ministry that seeks to cultivate a deep intimacy with our Heavenly Father, interceding for the needs of individuals and our community, and also equips believers to grow in their prayer lives.

Pat Wright

Fellowship Hall Host

Pat manages and facilitates events that involve any type of meal preparation. She also ensures the fellowship hall is welcoming, and that it fosters a sense of community and connection among members and visitors.


Matt Buckner

Community Outreach

Matt provides leadership to our church body for reaching our community for Christ. He plans events that will reach beyond our  walls to people in the surrounding communities with the   purpose of sharing the Gospel.


Danny Dickinson

Chairman of Deacons

Church Treasurer

​As Chairman, Mr. Dickinson leads a panel of deacons who join the church pastor and other leaders to serve the members  and provide stewardship oversight for finances and facilities.

Church Deacons


Stanley Vaughn


Mark Raney


Rodney Stamps

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