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Welcome to our church's online home! We're delighted to have you visit us here. At Waco Baptist Church, we strive to create a warm community where everyone is valued and welcomed. Through meaningful worship, fellowship, and service, we seek to grow together in love and faith. Feel free to explore our website to learn more about our beliefs, ministries, and upcoming events. We invite you to join us in person as we journey together in faith. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Life Ministries offers a vibrant array of activities designed to nurture spiritual growth and community engagement. From inspiring worship services to in-depth Bible studies, dynamic fellowship opportunities, and personalized discipleship programs, there's something for everyone seeking to deepen their faith journey. Join us on campus for enriching experiences that will empower and equip you to live out your faith in meaningful ways.









Impact Ministries is where faith meets action. Through a variety of on and off-campus initiatives, we're dedicated to making a positive difference in our community and beyond with the Gospel. From outreach events, mission trips, and service projects, we're committed to embodying the love of Christ through tangible acts of compassion and service. Join us as we impact lives and transform communities one step at a time. Check out our calendar for up-and-coming ministry events.

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Connect Ministries serves as a hub for building meaningful relationships and expanding ministry opportunities. Through strategic partnerships with other ministries, we extend our reach beyond traditional boundaries. By fostering connections and collaboration, we create a vibrant network of support and service, enriching both our congregation and the wider community. Join us as we join hands with others to spread the love and message of Christ in transformative ways.

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34 Atlantic Ave, Waco, GA 30182, USA


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